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Indian citizens who hold an Emigration Clearance Required (ECR) passport may find themselves facing certain restrictions when travelling abroad.
If you fall under this category and qualify for deletion of the ECR clause, you may want to consider converting your ECR passport to a non-ECR passport. Whether you’re planning a family vacation or a business trip, converting your ECR passport to a non-ECR passport can make your travel experience smoother and hassle-free.
In this article, we’ll explore the process of converting your ECR passport to non-ECR passport in India. We’ll cover the eligibility requirements, documents needed, and step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process.
Table of Contents
What are ECR and Non-ECR (ECNR) passports?
ECR (Emigration Check Required) is a category of passports, whose holders are required to obtain emigration clearance from the Protector of Emigrants (POE) Office before travelling to certain countries for employment.
The non-ECR category, formerly known as ECNR (Emigration Check Not Required), does not require an emigration check before travelling for employment. This clearance ensures that the individual meets the necessary qualifications and has been cleared to work abroad.
How to check if your passport is ECR?
ECR passports have a special endorsement stating “Emigration Check Required” printed just above the Name of Father / Legal Guardian column on the last page of the booklet. If there is no stamping or printing of ECR status on the passport booklet, then the passport is a non-ECR passport (previously ECNR).

Currently, all passports are issued non-ECR by default. The practice of stamping non-ECR (previously ECNR) has been discontinued. So if you don’t see “Emigration Check Required” in your passport, it is non-ECR (Emigration Check Not Required).
Qualification for Non-ECR category
All persons possessing educational qualification of matriculation (Class 10) and above are normally eligible for non-ECR passports, except those having POE-notified professions such as nurses who require emigration clearance irrespective of their educational qualifications.
The following categories of persons qualify as Non-ECR category:
- Persons with a qualification of class 10 or higher (except nurses).
- Persons over 50 years of age.
- Children below 18 years of age.
- Persons who have been staying abroad for more than three years and their spouses. The three years could be in one stretch or broken.
- Persons possessing a polytechnic diploma from any recognized institution.
- Gazetted Government officers, their spouses and children.
- Holders of diplomatic and official passports.
- All professional degree holders, their spouses and dependent children.
- Income-tax payers (including agricultural income tax payees) in their individual capacity, their spouses and children.
- Those who hold visas for permanent immigration/resident visas for the US, the UK, and Australia.
- Seamen who are in possession of a Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC).
What is emigration clearance?
Emigration is the act of migrating to another country for employment. In simple words, a person who visits a foreign country for employment purposes is an emigrant.
Emigration clearance is a process required by the Indian government for its citizens who are seeking to work or reside abroad in specific countries for employment purposes. The process is aimed at regulating the emigration of Indian citizens to protect them from exploitation and to ensure that their rights and interests are protected while working overseas.
The Protector of Emigrants (POE) Office, a department under the Ministry of External Affairs, is responsible for granting emigration clearance to eligible applicants. The clearance ensures that the applicant has the necessary qualifications and experience to work abroad and that they have been cleared to travel and work in the destination country.
Emigration clearance is mandatory for individuals holding an ECR passport before travelling abroad to take up overseas employment. Persons holding non-ECR (ECNR) passports or unstamped passports are not required to obtain emigration clearance.
Do ECR passport holders need emigration clearance for a visit visa?
No, ECR passport holders going to any ECR country for purposes other than employment do not require emigration clearance.
The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (Emigration Policy Division) has allowed ECR passport holders travelling abroad for purposes other than employment to leave the country on production of a valid passport, valid visa and return ticket at the immigration counters at international airports in India w.e.f. 1st October 2007 (source: Bureau of Immigration).
Those travelling on a visit or vacation to India on an ECR passport may be required to show a copy of the Residence Permit during return.
Countries requiring emigration clearance
ECR on your passport indicates you require emigration clearance to work in the following countries:
Afghanistan | Bahrain | Kuwait |
Indonesia | Iraq | Jordan |
Lebanon | Libya | Malaysia |
Oman | Qatar | Saudi Arabia (KSA) |
South Sudan | Sudan | Syria |
Thailand | United Arab Emirates | Yemen |
Persons whose passports contain an “Emigration Clearance Required” (ECR) endorsement and who intend to take up employment abroad in these 18 countries need to obtain emigration clearance from the Protector of Emigrants (POE).
The workers who have not obtained clearance from POE are liable to be stopped at Immigration.
NOTE: No emigration clearance is required for visiting Bangladesh, Pakistan and all countries in Europe (excluding CIS states), North America, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, South Africa and Singapore
How to change an ECR passport to a Non-ECR passport
You can apply to change your ECR passport to a non-ECR passport once you become eligible (check the categories above). You will need to re-apply for a fresh Indian passport through the Passport Seva portal or any trusted travel agent.
If you are applying online through Passport Seva porta, the procedure is as follows:
Step 1: Visit the Passport Seva website

Step 2: Log in to the website
If this is your first visit, you need to make an account. If you already have an account, you can log in using that.

Step 3: Click on Apply for Fresh Passport/Re-issue of Passport

Step 4: Select the Online Application option
Since you are doing this online, it will be Alternative 1. If you select Alternative 2, you can download the form and fill it offline.

Step 5: Select the passport type
- Select Applying for “Re-issue of Passport”
- Select “Change In Existing Personal Particulars”
- Select “Delete Ecr”
- Select Type of Application (Normal / Tatkaal) and booklet type (36 / 60 pages)
- Click “Next”

Step 6: Fill up the application form
Fill up the details as you would normally do, but make sure you should select “YES” for the question “Are you eligible for Non-ECR Category?”

Fill up all required information, give your identity consent, and click “Next”.
Step 7: Submit and download the application form
After you submit the details, you can download the completed application form.
You may also be required to pay and select an appointment date and slot at Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) or Embassy depending on your location.
Step 8: Visit the Embassy or Passport Seva Kendra
Once payment is complete, you will have to print the application receipt and carry that with you on the appointment day.
When you submit the documents, you need to submit all the relevant proof for your eligibility for a non-ECR passport like your 10th or matriculation pass certificate or degree certificate, income tax statements, etc. depending on your eligibility criteria. For NRIs, a copy of an ID or visa in the country of residence may be required.
You can collect your new passport or it will be sent by post as per your selection.
Documents required as proof of eligibility
1. Holders of Diplomatic or Official Passports
No separate document is required except a Diplomatic passport.
2. Gazetted Government servants, their spouses and dependent children
- For Gazetted Government servants
- i) Identity Certificate as per Annexure A (OR)
- ii) No Objection Certificate as per Annexure G (OR)
- iii) Prior Intimation Letter (PI) as per Annexure H
- For spouses of gazetted government servants
- i) Identity Certificate as per Annexure A (OR)
- ii) An attested copy of the marriage certificate issued by the Registrar
- For dependent children of gazetted government servants
- i) Identity Certificate as per Annexure A (OR)
- ii) Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Authority or any office authorized to issue Birth Certificate by Registrar of Births and Deaths (OR)
- iii) School leaving certificate / Secondary School leaving certificate/ Certificate of Recognized Boards from the school last attended by the applicant or any other recognized educational institution (OR)
- iv) Passport copy of the government servant
3. Persons having educational qualifications of matriculation and above
- Matriculation or Higher Educational Pass Certificate
4. Persons above the age of 50 years
- i) Birth Certificate issued by the Municipal Authority or any office authorized to issue Birth and Death Certificates by the Registrar of Births & Deaths (OR)
- ii) School leaving certificate / Secondary School leaving certificate/ Certificate of Recognized Boards from the school last attended by the applicant or any other recognized educational institution.
5. Children up to the age of 18 years
- (For re-issue of passport, after they attain the age of 18 years, documents to prove their non-ECR category have to be submitted, else ECR stamping will be done).
- Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Authority or any office authorized to issue Birth Certificate by Registrar of Births and Deaths.
6. Income-Tax payers
- (including Agricultural Income-Tax payees) in their individual capacity, their spouses and dependent children below the age of 18 years.
- i) Proof of assessment of income tax and actual payment of income tax for the last year (OR).
- ii) Income Tax return statement (with income tax being paid by the applicant) for the last year that is stamped by income tax authorities and a copy of the PAN card.
- i) Proof of payment of advance tax is not sufficient. You need to submit additional documents as specified above
- ii) Applicants submitting NIL income tax return statements are not eligible.
- For spouses, a certificate signifying the relation
- i) An attested copy of the marriage certificate issued by the Marriage Registrar needs to be submitted. For verification, the spouse’s name needs to be endorsed in the applicant’s passport.
- For dependent children certificate signifying the relation
- i) Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Authority or any office authorized to issue Birth Certificate by Registrar of Births and Deaths (OR)
ii) School leaving certificate / Secondary School leaving certificate/ Certificate of Recognized Boards from the school last attended by the applicant or any other recognized educational institution
- i) Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Authority or any office authorized to issue Birth Certificate by Registrar of Births and Deaths (OR)
7. Diploma Holders
- Persons possessing a two-year diploma from any institute recognized by NCVT or SCVT, or persons holding a three-year diploma/equivalent degree from institutions, such as Polytechnics recognized by the Central/State Governments of India.
- Pass Certificate issued by the Institute
8. Nurses
- Nurses possessing qualifications recognized under the Indian Nursing Council Act. 1947 need a Nursing Certificate
9. Professional Degree Holders
- All professional degree holders, their spouses and dependent children: Certificate of the professional degree held.
- For spouses: a certificate signifying the relation
- i) An attested copy of the marriage certificate issued by the Marriage Registrar needs to be submitted. For verification, the spouse’s name needs to be endorsed in the applicant’s passport.
- For dependent children: certificate signifying the relation
- i) Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Authority or any office authorized to issue Birth Certificate by Registrar of Births and Deaths (OR)
- ii) School leaving certificate / Secondary School leaving certificate/ Certificate of Recognized Boards from the school last attended by the applicant or any other recognized educational institution
10. Persons Staying Abroad
- All persons who have been staying abroad for more than three years (the period of three years could be either in one stretch or broken) and their spouses
- Passport copy (first two and last two pages, including ECR/Non-ECR page and the page of observation (if any), made by Passport Issuing Authority)
- For spouses: certificate signifying relation
- i)An attested copy of marriage certificate issued by Registrar of Marriage (OR)
- ii)Spouse name should be endorsed on each others passport
- Applicant has to submit a written statement detailing all the dates of exit and entry into India and produce the passport for verification. (Format: Sl. No, Date of Exit. Port of Exit, Page Number of passport containing the stamp, Similarly details of corresponding entry. The last column should mention number of days spent outside India. This should be more than three years (1095 days).
11. Seamen
- Seamen who are in possession of Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC), or Sea Cadets and Deck Cadets:
- i) who have passed the final examination of three years B.Sc. Nautical Sciences courses at T.S. Chanakya, Mumbai and
- ii) who have undergone three months pre-sea training at any of the Government approved training institutes, such as T.S. Chanakya, T.S. Rehman, T.S. Jawahar, MTI (SCI) and NIPM, CHENNAI, after production of identity cards issued by the Shipping Master at Mumbai/Kolkata/Chennai
- Continuous Discharge Certificate
12. Persons holding Permanent Immigration Visa
- Persons holding Permanent Immigration Visa, such as the visas of UK, USA and Australia
- Copy of Immigration Visas, or the Permanent Resident card of the country of stay
Note: If the applicant does not have non-ECR status then All such ECR passport holders need to obtain an Emigration Clearance Certificate from the Protector-General of Emigrants, Ministry of Overseas India Affairs.
How to get emigration clearance for foreign employment
A person with an ECR passport can take up employment in a foreign country either through a registered recruiting agent or directly through a foreign employer or a project exporter.
The Protector of Emigrants, after satisfying himself with the accuracy of the particulars mentioned in the application and other documents submitted along with the application, grants emigration clearance in the prescribed manner and form.
In case there is any deficiency, the POE intimates the same by an order in writing to the applicant or the Recruiting Agent or employer, through whom the applications have been made. Information about the registered as well as active Recruiting Agents is available at the Ministry’s E-migrate website.
Documents Required for Skilled/Semi-Skilled Workers (Individuals)
Semi-skilled individuals who seek emigration clearance directly from the Protectors of Emigrants (and not through Recruiting Agents) are required to produce the following documents in original for scrutiny and return:
- The passport should be valid for a minimum period of six months with a valid visa.
- Employment Contract from foreign employer.
- Challan towards deposit of prescribed fee.
- Insurance Policy under Pravasi Bhartiya Bima Yojana.
Documents Required for Unskilled/Women Workers (Individuals)
Unskilled workers and women (not below 30 years of age) seeking employment abroad shall continue to furnish (in original) the following documents at the time of obtaining emigration clearance:
- Passport valid for a minimum period of six months with valid Visa.
- Employment contract from the foreign employer duly attested by the Indian Embassy or Permission letter from the concerned Indian Embassy / Consulate.
- Challan towards deposits of the prescribed fee.
- Insurance policy Under Pravasi Bharatiya Bima Yojana (PBBY).
For recruitment through Recruiting Agents, additional documents may be needed.
Where to get emigration clearance?
Any applicant seeking employment abroad and possessing a passport with an ‘Emigration Check Required’ endorsement can obtain emigration clearance from the Protector of Emigrants.
This can be done through any of the POE offices upon submission of other documents as prescribed.
Here is the list of Protector of Emigrants Offices in India.
Suspension of Emigration Check
Previously, those who wanted to travel for non-employment purposes were required to obtain a “suspension of emigration check” in order to travel abroad. From 1st October 2007, this requirement has been removed.
Can you change ECR to Non-ECR in Indian Passport?
The answer is yes. Even if you had an ECR passport earlier, you can change to Non-ECR once you qualify. For that, your situation (age, education, stay abroad, marital status etc.) should have changed
I have been recruited directly by an employer in an ECR country. How do I apply for emigrant registration?
Initial registration has to be done on the Ministry’s eMigrate system.
Is ECNR the same as non-ECR?
Yes. The ECNR is now known as Non-ECR.
Can I get a job abroad with an ECR passport?
Even if you have an ECR passport, you can get a job abroad, but you must obtain an Emigration Clearance check from the POE office.
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Aneesh, the Founder & Editor of DG Pixels, holds a Master’s Degree in Communication & Journalism, and has two decades of experience living in the Middle East. Since 2014, he and his team have been sharing helpful content on travel, visa rules, and expatriate affairs.
I want my Indian passport to Non-ECR